Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How to continue to use Windows Xp without many security problems

Since Microsoft stopped updating Windows Xp in April, people rampaged buying the new Windows 7 and 8. Xp saw the market share drop. Funny comments on the web said that Microsoft could not end Windows Xp with new Windows versions, but now hackers are the ones who will "destroy" Xp.

Can you still use Windows Xp without worries? It's certainly less safe. Now there are probably security holes not patched, but for some basic uses Windows Xp still works. Just don't do serious stuff with the computer and follow these tips.

1. Install Google Chrome. Internet Explorer for Xp is no longer updated. New bugs and security holes are not patched. Google Chrome is faster, lighter and safer.

2. Install a new firewall. Xp's firewall again is not updated. Zone Alarm or Comodo firewall gives the best protection a free firewall can give. You will just have to allow or deny access to applications the first time they request access to the internet and then you will be safer.

3. Don't download files from places you don't know. Based on what I read on the internet, hackers are probably looking for Xp security problems not patched and exploit those holes. If you get an infected file that targets Xp holes, you might get problems. Software downloads? Only from sites like Softpedia and Cnet and similar trusted sites.

4. Never leave Xp connected to the internet very long. The longer it connects to the internet, the higher the chances of getting affected. Using a real time Firewall alert shows that as soon as the internet is connected, viruses and malware will start trying to enter even when the browser is closed.

5. Download the latest Xp updates from Microsoft site if you did no already and...

6. Just don't connect Xp to the internet and use it forever. If you are like me and like to play DOS game using DOS box you need a Xp. Win 7 and 8 don't support most DOS games or Windows xp games. Xp is the only OS that runs these lovely oldwares. Just don't connect the computer to the internet and Win Xp might run forever (as long as there's hardware for it).

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